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by Jimny_Firestorm2
on Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:39 am
Search in: Who Likes To Rock The Party?
Topic: Sup y'all - allisauna
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Views: 171

Sup y'all - allisauna

allisauna wrote: wrote:

Hello everyone!

My name is Allison, and I am from Dallas, Texas! I've been a FOTC fan for probably only a month but honestly I already love them so much. I've already watched both seasons once and many Youtube videos--not good as I work full time and go to grad school and don't have the time that I want to spend watching their stuff.

I got into FOTC in a roundabout way (even though their type of humor is right up my alley). I'm a huge fan of Austenland (I love Jane Austen and I love funny things, so it just clicked for me), and my non-Austen-fan friend enjoyed the movie because she likes "that guy from Flight of the Conchords!" I finally listened to their stuff and was hooked after "Foux du fa fa"

Loving all the content on here!

Jimny_Firestorm2 wrote: wrote:

Hi Allison  Smile .

It was quite similar for me too, I started watching the show when I was in my second year at Uni in 2016, and then I started watching YouTube videos straight after, and they just became my favourite famous people ever in a very very short amount of time. I'm kinda lucky though, because I did a art course, so we were always encouraged to listen to music or whatever to help us be more creative, so I could just put YouTube on in college, stick my headphones into the computer (because it was like digital art/3D) and listen to them all day. Actually, the final project I worked on,  I did just listening to Flight of the Conchords the entire time  #lol#.

Have you seen/do you know about the Funny As interview they did recently? They don't seem to do many interviews, and this one is a super awesome interview that lasts like two hours, and it's pretty much everything they can remember about their entire history.

This is the thread about the Funny As interview, and there's a link to the video somewhere in there, you might have to scroll through it though (I think it's like the 2nd post on that page).

allisauna wrote: wrote:

I listen to them all the time at work, especially the Live in London album, even if maybe we're not encouraged to lol

I have not seen that!!! One thing I did notice was that there are so few interviews to watch, but the more I've learned about them the more sense that makes, so I will be so excited to watch this! Thanks for the link!!!!

Jimny_Firestorm2 wrote: wrote:

Cool, at least you get to listen to them in work  Smile . I love Live in London, I'm really hoping they put the HBO special version of it on DVD at some point.

On the NZ on Screen website (that's what the Funny As interview is on), there's also clips of some of their really early stuff.

Ami wrote: wrote:

Just wanted to pop in here and say hello and welcome! #wave#

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